Ken Horne & Chris Slater - The (Un) Common People of Rotherham @ Clifton Park Museum

The (Un) Common People of Rotherham

Inspiration can strike from the most unexpected places. For local artists Chris Slater and Ken Horn, it came from Clifton Park Museum's recent exhibition, ‘Giants of Rotherham,’ which honored the remarkable figures that have left their mark on our community. But amidst the celebration of greatness, they felt a stirring need to shine a light on the unsung heroes—the everyday individuals who quietly shape the fabric of our town.

From the dedicated firefighters and compassionate nurses to the nurturing mums who cook our fish fingers just how we like them, they recognised the countless contributions of ordinary people that often go unnoticed. Thus, the idea for their exhibition was born—a tribute to the heart and soul of our community.

Chris and Ken, no strangers to collaboration, embarked on this artistic journey together, each bringing their unique perspectives to the table. With Chris's lifelong passion for painting and Ken's penchant for three-dimensional artwork, they decided to push their boundaries by experimenting with collage using recycled materials. It was a departure from their usual artistic techniques but a challenge they eagerly embraced.

As they delve into this project, they invite you to join them in discovering Rotherham's hidden gems—the uncommon individuals whose stories deserve to be told. Who is your "Angel of the North," your unsung hero waiting to be celebrated? Together, let's uncover the extraordinary within the ordinary.

Make sure you head over to Clifton Park Museum to view this vibrant and important work by our very own Chris and Ken.


